We supply a comprehensive range of flat packs which will enable you to construct your own kitchen. Please click here to view images of a typical flat pack kitchen installation.
Pleaseclick hereto view prices and dimensions for Ergo-Kit Flat Pack Cabinets.
Standard sizes are listed. We can (of course) cut down base and wall units to achieve custom sizing.
The listing details dimensions and prices for the following flat packs.
Corner Base Unit
Drawer Unit
Base Unit
Base Units,
Base and Wall Oven Units,
Drawer Units,
Wall Units
Pantry Units
Corner Walk In Pantry Units
Microwave Units
Range Hood Units
Multi Purpose Units
Click here to view a few images of kitchens manufactured using our products.
The listed prices do not include supply of doors – please see Cabinet Doors.
The following links will help you design your kitchen and give you a guide to pricing.